If you need baptized, reach out to us via phone, email, or just stop by.
If you need baptized, reach out to us via phone, email, or just stop by.
The Bible says (Romans 3:23) that all have sinned, which means everyone, including you and me. Because of our sin, we deserve punishment. The punishment for sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
God loves you and me so much that he asked his son to pay the price for our sins. Jesus took on that punishment that we deserve and died in our place, even though he had never sinned, not even once!
(John 3:16)
Not only was our punishment paid for, but God gave us an instruction manual called The Bible. The Bible gives us a road map on how to live a life that pleases God and gives us surety of eternal life with God and not eternal suffering in Hell. (Romans 10:9-10)
Warm clean water, located indoors with restrooms available for changing.
Outside in “running” water.
Bring plenty of towels!
If you are looking to be Baptized, please contact Pastor James at pastors@newlifetemple.com or call 919-497-7545.